31 August, 2022
Femmi x Barre Base Run Club
Join us every Friday at 6.30am, leaving from the Barre Base Studio, for either a 3 or a 5km run – all levels welcome.

We're super excited to be launching a weekly free run club in collaboration with Femmi.
FemFriday is a running community that meets every Friday morning in Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland and now Dunedin!
You don't have to be a Femmi or Barre Base member to join – everyone is welcome.
Join us every Friday at 6.30am, leaving from the Barre Base Studio, for either a 3 or a 5km run. These runs are supportive and non-competitive. We run together and leave nobody behind. All welcome, no cost, and no experience required.
We spoke to Femmi Run Coach, Becky Greene, about what makes this inclusive and welcoming run club unique.
Firstly, can you tell us a little more about Femmi?
Femmi is so excited to be joining with Barre Base to start a Friday Femmi x Barre Base run club! For those that don't know, Femmi is a company founded by females, for females. We are females coaching females to improve their running and strength training in a sustainable, enjoyable and healthy way. We work with the female physiology so that every female feels empowered by their unique body and can train in unison with their body rather than fighting against it. Females have been training like small males for a long time now and it simply is not sustainable, achievable or enjoyable.
At Femmi, we base our individualised running programmes around a female's menstrual cycle and take into account how each individual feels at certain times of the month. We balance when to push hard with when to pull back and cruise based on the fluctuating hormones and how a female feels throughout her monthly cycle. This enables our athletes to get the best out of themselves.
What if someone doesn't have a regular cycle, or those days have passed?
Even if you don't have a regular menstrual cycle, we can still find ways for you to make the most of your training and tailor your programme to your life stage. Whether you are a developing female, on contraception, pregnant, peri or post menopausal, we will work with you to develop a solution that best fits your stage of life and promotes empowerment through movement.
Where do we meet, and what should we bring?
Meet us at the Barre Base studio every Friday at 6.30am. Just bring your running gear – whatever you feel comfortable in. You can leave belongings inside the studio for safe keeping if you need to.
There will be an option for a 3km or a 5km run. We run together, and nobody is left behind. So come as you are! If you're brand new to running, great! We're here to support one another and move together.
There will be time for you to stretch after class at the studio, or stick around for the famous Barre Base Express class at 7.45am.
Do we need to be Barre Base members?
Not at all. All are welcome! The run club is free and open to all. We're meeting at Barre Base as we wanted a central location to leave from, and a partnership with a movement space that aligned with our values.
Barre Base and Femmi are perfectly aligned because both companies see the importance of finding a way to exercise for enjoyment so that you will continue to keep moving all throughout your life. We are here to cultivate communities filled with supportive people who build each other up!
The Barre Base classes are also hugely complimentary to running – notably the strength work for stabilising muscles, and taking the time to stretch and slow down. Many runners can neglect this!